Resources for Clinicians
Suicide Assessment | Part 3 Formulate Risk and Plan for Safety
In Part Three (the final part) of this series on Suicide Assessment, the focus is on how to use the information you have gathered from your client to formulate the degree of risk you believe to be present and then PLAN with your client for safety.
Suicide Assessment | Part 2 Gathering Information: Ask/Listen/Clarify
In Part Two of this series, the focus is on Gathering Information for your Assessment. In particular, how to ASK your client about suicide, LISTEN to their story, and use the Framework provided in Part One to CLARIFY missing pieces of your assessment.
Essential Links
The Means Matter Campaign, part of the Harvard School of Public Health, promotes activities that reduce a person’s access to lethal means of suicide. This site provides detailed information for clinicians on how to address access to lethal means with clients.
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)
This free video-based training, developed through the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), addresses means restriction and provides guidance on how to work with clients on restricting access to lethal means.
Stanley-Brown Safety Planning Intervention
This site contains guidance on how to develop a safety plan with clients. Supporting documentation, forms, and brief training videos are available to illustrate essential aspects of the Safety Planning Intervention
Developed by Vibrant Emotional Health (in support of the Lifeline) this is an online, fillable, and printable form for clients. It is based on the Stanley-Brown Safety Planning Intervention.
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